United Nursery LLC
What We Do
We deliver quality tropical and blooming plants nationwide. Professionally grown by experts, our plants thrive from start to ship. We monitor trends to help partners offer on-trend varieties and favorites. Our ecommerce fulfillment services ensure healthy plants are delivered seamlessly, with tailored logistics, scalable operations, and extensive inventory. Whether for retail stores or as your ecommerce fulfillment partner, we streamline operations, save you time, and boost customer satisfaction
Categories (20)
Areca Palm, Ferns, Flowering Plants & Shrubs, Foliage, Gardenia, Hanging Baskets & Plants, Hibiscus, Majesty Palm, Mandevilla (Dipladenia), Mandevilla x 'Sun Parasol' series, Pachira (Money Tree), Peperomia, Philodendron, Rare and Unusual Plants, Succulents, Topiary Trees, Totems, e-Commerce Services, Online Retail Marketplace
Homestead, FL
United States
United States